Cognitive Scientist

Shane Littrell | Publications


Peer-reviewed journal publications

Littrell, S., Klofstad, C., & Uscinski, J. (2024). The political, psychological, and social correlates of cryptocurrency ownership. PLOS One, 1-24.

Klofstad, C., Christley, O., Diekman, A., Enders, A., Funchion, J., Hemm, A., Kübler, S., Littrell, S., Murthi, M., Premaratne, K. & Seelig, M. (2024). The New Satanic Panic. Political Science Quarterly, p.qqae081.

Enders, A., Klofstad, C., Littrell, S., Miller, J., Theocharis, Y., Uscinski, J., & Zilinsky, J., (2024). Left–right political orientations are not systematically related to conspiracism., Political Psychology, 1-24.

Uscinksi, J., Littrell, S., & Klofstad, C. (2024). The Importance of Epistemology for the Study of Misinformation. Current Opinion in Psychology, 101789.

Enders, A., Klofstad, C., Diekman, A., Drochon, H., Rogers de Waal, J., Littrell, S., Premaratne, K., Verdear, D., Wuchty, S. and Uscinski, J. (2024). The sociodemographic correlates of conspiracism. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.14184.

Klofstad, C., Christley, O., Diekman, A., Kübler, S., Enders, A., Funchion, J., Littrell, S., Murthi, M., Premaratne, K., Seelig, M. and Verdear, D., Wuchty, S., Drochon, H., & Uscinski, J. (2024). Belief in White Replacement. Politics, Groups, and Identities, pp.1-25.

Littrell, S., Fugelsang, J. A., & Risko, E. F. (2024). The metacognitive abilities of narcissists: Individual differences between grandiose and vulnerable subtypes. Personality and Individual Differences, 221, 112570. Open access version

Littrell, S., Meyers, E. A., & Fugelsang, J. A. (2024). Not all bullshit pondered is tossed: Reflection decreases receptivity to some types of misleading information but not others. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(1), e4154. Open access version

Littrell, S., Klofstad, C., Diekman, A., Funchion, J., Murthi, M., Premaratne, K., Seelig, M., Verdear, D., Wuchty, S. and Uscinski, J.E. (2023). Who knowingly shares false political information online?. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review. Open access version

Littrell, S., & Fugelsang, J. A. (2023). Bullshit blind spots: the roles of miscalibration and information processing in bullshit detection. Thinking & Reasoning, Advance online publication,1-30. Published version | Open access version

Littrell, S., Risko, E. F., & Fugelsang, J. A. (2021). “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter” (or can you?): Bullshitting frequency predicts receptivity to various types of misleading information. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(4), 1484-1505. Published version | Open access version

Littrell, S., Risko, E. F., Fugelsang, J. A. (2021). The Bullshitting Frequency Scale: Development and psychometric properties. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(1), 248-270. Published version | Open access version

Littrell, S., Fugelsang, J.A., & Risko, E.F. (2020). Overconfidently underthinking: Narcissism and impulsiveness negatively predict cognitive reflection. Thinking and Reasoning, 26(3), 352-380. Published version | Open access version

Littrell, S., Fugelsang, J.A., & Risko, E.F. (2020). Not so fast: Individual differences in impulsiveness are only a modest predictor of cognitive reflection. Personality and Individual Differences, 154(1). Published version | Open access version

Working projects

Littrell, S. (2024). The Corporate Bullshit Receptivity Scale: Development, validation, and associations with workplace outcomes. Under review.

Klofstad, C., Littrell, S., & Uscinski, J. (2024). Who Believes Trump Conspired with Russia to Steal the 2016 Election? Evidence from a Survey Experiment. Under review.

Littrell, S., Klofstad, C., Uscinski, J. (2024). The psychological, political, and social characteristics of belief in science-related conspiracy theories. Under review.

Verdear, D., Enders, A., Littrell, S., Klofstad, C., Seeling, M., Premaratne, K., Murthi, M., Diekman, A., Rogers de Waal, J., Drochon, H., Kuebler, S., Wuchty, S., & Uscinski, J. (2024). Do conspiracy theory beliefs form a monological belief system? Under review.

Stoszkowski, J., Littrell, S., & Collins, D. (2022). Cutting the Crap: The Perceived Prevalence of Pseudoscientific Bullshit in Sport Science and Coaching., PsyArxiv,  

Conference presentations

Littrell, S., & Fugelsang, J.A. (2020, December). A bullshit blind spot? Dunning-Kruger effects in bullshit detection. Poster presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision-Making Annual Conference, (virtual/online).

Littrell, S., Fugelsang, J.A., & Risko, E.F. (2020, July). Individual differences in metacognitive ability of grandiose and vulnerable narcissists. Poster presented at the 42nd meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference. (virtual/online).

Littrell, S., Risko, E.F., & Fugelsang, J.A. (2019, November). Can you bullshit a bullshitter? The associations between metacognition, bullshitting frequency, and bullshit receptivity. Poster presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision-Making Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Littrell, S., Fugelsang, J.A., & Risko, E.F. (2019, June). Not so fast: Individual differences in impulsiveness are only a modest predictor of cognitive reflection. Poster presented at the 29th annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science Annual Conference, Waterloo, ON, CANADA.

Littrell, S., Fugelsang, J.A., & Risko, E.F. (2018, November). Overconfidently Underthinking: Narcissism, Impulsiveness, and Cognitive Reflection. Poster presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision-Making Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.